Warrenton Chorale
The Warrenton Chorale is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and is proud of the tradition it has established in 60 years of providing a wonderful muscial experience. Donations help us continue our growth and community involvement and are used in the general fund to offset expenses such as venue rental, janitorial services, space rental for music storage, insurance, stipends for directors and accompanists, music, postage, advertising and similar out-of-pocket operating costs. All management duties are performed by the Board of Directors voluntarily, and singers pay for their dresses and tuxedos.
Donations are gratefully accepted and all donations $10 and above are recognized in the concert programs. Our Corporate Sponsors are recognized on the SPONSORSHIPS page.
Warrenton Chorale
Post Office Box 821
Warrenton, VA 20188-0821
For Additional Information:
P.O. Box 821, Warrenton Virginia 20188…